Using and Administering Linux: Volume 3, 2nd Edition

Using and Administering Linux: Volume 3: Zero to SysAdmin: Network Services, 2nd Edition

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 549 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook; 2nd edition (October 15, 2023)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1484297857
  • ISBN-13: 978-1484297858

eBook Description:

Using and Administering Linux: Volume 3: Zero to SysAdmin: Network Services, 2nd Edition

In Using and Administering Linux: Volume 3, 2nd Edition you’ll work with multiple VMs on a single physical host to create a network in which to sharpen your sysadmin skills. Chapters have been fully updated to Fedora Linux 38 with expanded content and figures as well brand new material on the BTRFS file system, using Zram for swap, NetworkManager, automation with Ansible, as well as systemd.

Focusing on network and other advanced services, this Using and Administering Linux: Volume 3, 2nd Edition of the final series volume builds upon the skills you have learned so far in volumes 1&2 and will depend upon the virtual network and VMs created there. Start by reviewing the administration of Linux servers and install and configure various Linux server services such as DHCP, DNS, NTP, and SSH server that will be used to provide advanced network services. You’ll then learn to install and configure servers such as BIND for name services, DHCP for network host configuration, and SSH for secure logins to remote hosts.

  • Install, configure, and manage several Linux server services such as email with spam management and single and multiple web sites
  • Work with NTP time synchronization, DHCP, SSH, and file sharing with Unix/Linux and Windows clients
  • Create RPMs for distribution of scripts and administrative programs
  • Understand and work with enhanced security

Other topics covered include public/private keypairs to further enhance security, SendMail and IMAP and antispam protection for email, using Apache and WordPress to create and manage web sites, NFS, SAMBA, and Chrony. This volume also covers SELinux and its use in making your systems even more secure., You will learn to build RPMs to be used to distribute automation scripts. All of these services are installed on a single server host over the course of the book and by the time you are finished you will have a single server that provides these services for your network.

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  1. zhanggy says:


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