Solving Identity Management in Modern Applications, 2nd Edition

Solving Identity Management in Modern Applications: Demystifying OAuth 2, OpenID Connect, and SAML 2, 2nd Edition

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 412 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook; 2nd edition (November 18, 2022)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1484282604
  • ISBN-13: 978-1484282601

eBook Description:

Solving Identity Management in Modern Applications: Demystifying OAuth 2, OpenID Connect, and SAML 2, 2nd Edition

Know how to design and use identity management to protect your application and the data it manages.

At a time when security breaches result in increasingly onerous penalties, it is paramount that application developers and owners understand identity management and the value it provides when building applications. This Solving Identity Management in Modern Applications, 2nd Edition book takes you from account provisioning to authentication to authorization, and covers troubleshooting and common problems to avoid. The authors include predictions about why this will be even more important in the future. Application best practices with coding samples are provided.

  • Understand key identity management concepts
  • Incorporate essential design principles
  • Design authentication and access control for a modern application
  • Know the identity management frameworks and protocols used today (OIDC/OAuth 2.0/2.1, SAML 2.0)
  • Review historical failures and know how to avoid them

Solving Identity Management in Modern Applications, 2nd Edition gives you what you need to design identity and access management for your applications and to describe it to stakeholders with confidence. You will be able to explain account creation, session and access management, account termination, and more.This expanded edition has been revised to provide an overview of the new version of OAuth (2.1) – the primary changes in this version, including features that were removed from 2.1 that were in 2.0 and why they were removed. The discussion of the book’s accompanying sample application has been revised to cover in more depth the approach for developing the application (also revised). A new section has been added on the OAuth 2.0 Device Authorization Grant (RFC 8628) specification, which is useful for devices with limited UI capability. Minor additions include the topics of identity proofing, the need to capture and organize consent information, the impact of tracking prevention technology on certain identity protocols, and the availability of additional options for authorization requests such as OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests and JWT-Secured Authorization Requests (RFC 9101).

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