Salesforce AppExchange Success Blueprint

Salesforce AppExchange Success Blueprint

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 342 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook (October 27, 2023)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1835089542
  • ISBN-13: 978-1835089545

eBook Description:

Salesforce AppExchange Success Blueprint: Design, develop, publish, monetize, and scale your Salesforce application to become a successful independent software vendor (ISV) on the AppExchange

Are you ready to turn your million-dollar ideas into reality? Salesforce AppExchange Success Blueprint is your ultimate guide to becoming a successful ISV partner and publishing your Salesforce applications on the AppExchange. This book covers every facet of the application development process, from the initial partnership establishment to smoothly preparing for security review and managing app releases. Packed with real-world examples, case studies, and detailed guides, it’ll help you master AppExchange development.

Throughout this experience, you’ll discover how to create customer-centric applications that seamlessly integrate with external systems, ensuring a frictionless user experience. You’ll also navigate the intricate process of preparing for security reviews and managing app releases. In addition, you’ll delve into the critical realm of business strategy, addressing essential elements such as maximizing profitability, achieving operational excellence, leveraging analytics to make data-driven decisions, and effectively handling technical debt to maintain your app’s robustness and scalability.

  • Find out how to become a successful ISV partner on the AppExchange
  • Understand how to tackle the challenges of AppExchange development
  • Uncover how to avoid common security review pitfalls
  • Discover the best practices for configuring an AppExchange listing
  • Maximize the revenue potential through pricing and monetization
  • Understand how to manage technical debt to maintain product quality
  • Build a successful and sustainable ISV partnership with Salesforce

By the end of this Salesforce AppExchange Success Blueprint book, you’ll possess a deep understanding of AppExchange development from both technical and business standpoints, making you well-prepared to excel in the Salesforce ecosystem. Let’s embark on this exciting path together!


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