Raising Digital Families For Dummies

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 360 pages
  • Publisher: For Dummies; 1st edition (April 29, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1118485084
  • ISBN-13: 978-1118485088

eBook Description:

Raising Digital Families For Dummies

  • Covers monitoring software for computers and mobile devices
  • Offers advice for handling cyberbullies and introduces safe social networks for children
  • Addresses how to guide children who want to blog or podcast
  • Provides information on helpful sites that you may want to explore for more issues on various issues that relate to the future of technology

Get on the same online playing field as your children with this helpful resource

The youngest generation will never know life without iPhones, iPods, and Facebook, and while their parents have witnessed the evolution of technology, it is still a challenge to keep up with the pace at which things change. This easy-to-understand guide helps you get up to speed on everything you need to know NOW in order to keep up with your children’s online and gadget activity. The book offers invaluable guidance for managing mobile devices, social media, and the Internet before it manages you! Also featured are tips and advice for establishing family rules for technology use and how to best handle situations when rules are broken.

Whether you want to control mobile device usage or monitor social network activity, Raising Digital Families For Dummies will guide you through acquiring a better handle on this important part of your children’s lives.

  • Covers monitoring software for computers and mobile devices
  • Offers advice for handling cyberbullies and introduces safe social networks for children
  • Addresses how to guide children who want to blog or podcast
  • Provides information on helpful sites that you may want to explore for more issues on various issues that relate to the future of technology

Whether you want to control mobile device usage or monitor social network activity, Raising Digital Families For Dummies will guide you through acquiring a better handle on this important part of your children’s lives.

From the Back Cover

Dodge digital drama! Keep your family safe while making the most of today’s technology

Like it or not, we’re squarely in the middle of the digital age. You can’t hide your kids from it, but you can help them enjoy the benefits while ducking the dangers. This book shows you how to set a digital family policy, maximize privacy settings, handle cyberbullies, help your kids create a blog, explore educational sites, and more.

  • Parenting digital natives — understand more about the technology your kids were born into and its challenges and opportunities
  • Starting early — discover appropriate technology for toddlers, elementary school kids, tweens, and teens
  • Time management — set time limits for online activities and talk to your kids about the advertising they’ll encounter
  • Smart thoughts on smartphones — learn how to tell when your child is ready for a smartphone and how to talk to your teen about sexting and texting while driving
  • Red flags — help your child steer clear of online predators, identity thieves, and cyberbullies
  • Resources you’ll love — find great online tools to help balance family budgets, create meal plans, and more
  • The best policy — learn to set reasonable rules for your household’s digital devices with a digital family policy

Open the book and find:

  • What to include in your family policy
  • Guidelines for smartphone use
  • Hints for helping kids navigate search engines
  • Tips for creating and storing passwords
  • How to talk to your kids about security
  • Tools for monitoring activity
  • Social networking rules to consider
  • Help to decide whether a site is truly educational

Learn to:

  • Manage the social media sites your kids use
  • Provide guidance for young bloggers
  • Monitor children’s activities on computers and mobile devices
  • Create a family policy for online activities

Get on the same online playing field as your children with this helpful resource

The youngest generation will never know life without iPhones, iPods, and Facebook, and while their parents have witnessed the evolution of technology, it is still a challenge to keep up with the pace at which things change. This easy-to-understand guide helps you get up to speed on everything you need to know NOW in order to keep up with your children’s online and gadget activity. The book offers invaluable guidance for managing mobile devices, social media, and the Internet before it manages you! Also featured are tips and advice for establishing family rules for technology use and how to best handle situations when rules are broken.

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