Pro Power BI Theme Creation, 2nd Edition

Pro Power BI Theme Creation: JSON Stylesheets for Automated Dashboard Formatting, 2nd Edition

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 287 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook; 2nd edition (August 10, 2023)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 148429632X
  • ISBN-13: 978-1484296325

eBook Description:

Pro Power BI Theme Creation: JSON Stylesheets for Automated Dashboard Formatting, 2nd Edition

Use JSON theme files to standardize the look of Power BI dashboards and reports. This book shows how you can create theme files using the Power BI Desktop application to define high-level formatting attributes for dashboards as well as how to tailor detailed formatting specifications for individual dashboard elements in JSON files. Standardize the look of your dashboards and apply formatting consistently over all your reports. The techniques in this Pro Power BI Theme Creation, 2nd Edition book provide you with tight control over the presentation of all aspects of the Power BI dashboards and reports that you create.

  • Produce designer output without manually formatting every individual visual in a Power BI dashboard
  • Standardize presentation for families of dashboard types
  • Switch presentation styles in a couple of clicks
  • Save dozens, or hundreds, of hours laboriously formatting dashboards
  • Define enterprise-wide presentation standards
  • Retroactively apply standard styles to existing dashboards

Power BI theme files use JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) as their structure, so the book includes a brief introduction to JSON as well as how it applies to Power BI themes. The book further includes a complete reference to all the current formatting definitions and JSON structures that are at your disposal for creating JSON theme files up to the May 2023 release of Power BI Desktop. Finally, the Pro Power BI Theme Creation, 2nd Edition book includes dozens of theme files, from the simple to the most complex, that you can adopt and adapt to suit your own requirements.

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