Pro Angular 16

Pro Angular 16

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 875 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook (April 30, 2024)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1633436695
  • ISBN-13: 978-1633436695

eBook Description:

Get Pro Angular 16, the most comprehensive guide to the Angular web framework available.

Thousands of web developers have relied on Adam Freeman’s Pro Angular series to get the most out of the Angular framework. Now in this revised sixth edition, Adam takes you from Angular’s basic components to its most complex functions, highlighting common pitfalls and new features such as signals.

In this Pro Angular 16, thoroughly updated bestseller, you’ll learn how to:

  • Set up Angular dev tools and create projects
  • Use features such as components, directives, services, and pipes
  • Manage data changes with signals
  • Navigate app features with URL routing
  • Optimize Angular apps with pre-rendering and server-side rendering
  • Use popular component libraries

Pro Angular 16 gives you everything you need to build Angular apps that are easy to test, easy to maintain, and easy to extend and scale. You’ll start with the basics plus a refresher on HTML and TypeScript. You’ll quickly move on to explore Angular’s built-in functionalities and customization options, then dive into advanced features like asynchronous HTTP requests and component libraries.

Angular is a powerful professional web framework suitable for building everything from lightweight prototypes to full-featured business applications. Created by Google and honed to perfection by millions of developers worldwide, Angular helps you deliver fast, predictable results when it counts.

Now in its sixth edition, Pro Angular 16 shows you the path to Angular mastery. This thoroughly revised book helps you build a toolbox of Angular skills, from directives and components to creating services and optimizing application delivery. Throughout, you’ll use your skills to build a professional-level project a SportStore e-commerce complete with checkout, administration, and deployment. Along the way, you’ll pick up some great TypeScript techniques that will boost your web dev productivity.

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