4 Search results

For the term "Permission Marketing".
Accelerating Nonprofit Impact with Salesforce 1

Accelerating Nonprofit Impact with Salesforce

eBook Details: Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (April 19, 2022) Language: English ISBN-10: 1801070911 ISBN-13: 978-1801070911 eBook Description: Accelerating Nonprofit Impact with Salesforce: Drive digital transformation for nonprofits with well-organized volunteer management, donor engagement, fundraising, and grantmaking using the intelligent and powerful capabilities of Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud enables a 360-degree view of people related to your nonprofit to connect fundraising, program management, and grantmaking. With a single, unified view of every interaction with constituents, nonprofits can create strong relationships with the community and streamline internal processes. The book starts by covering the tools and features that make up...

Salesforce CRM: The Definitive Admin Handbook – Second Edition 0

Salesforce CRM: The Definitive Admin Handbook – Second Edition

eBook Details: Paperback: 426 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook; Special edition (July 24, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1782170529 ISBN-13: 978-1782170525 eBook Description: Salesforce CRM: The Definitive Admin Handbook – Second Edition Updated for Spring ’13, this book covers best practice administration principles, real-world experience, and critical design considerations for setting up and customizing Salesforce CRM Analyze data within Salesforce by using reports, dashboards, custom reports, and report builder A step-by-step guide offering clear guidance for the customization and administration of the Salesforce CRM application Connect users with people and share business information using Salesforce Chatter Learn to extend the functionality of the Salesforce CRM application through...

CiviCRM Cookbook 0

CiviCRM Cookbook

eBook Details: Paperback: 236 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (June 7, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1782160442 ISBN-13: 978-1782160441 eBook Description: CiviCRM Cookbook Take your CiviCRM skills to the next level and harness the power of CiviCRM Covers a wide range of CiviCRM core and component topics Practical, comprehensive, in-depth and well-explained recipes with the necessary screenshots CiviCRM Cookbook CiviCRM is a web-based, open source, Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) software geared toward meeting the needs of non-profit and other civic-sector organizations. CiviCRM Cookbook will enhance your CiviCRM skills. It has recipes to help you use CiviCRM more efficiently, integrate it with CMSs, and also develop CiviCRM. This book begins...


Drupal 7 Social Networking

eBook Details: Paperback: 328 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (September 21, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 1849516006 ISBN-13: 978-1849516006 eBook Description: Build a social or community website with friends lists, groups, custom user profiles, and much more Step-by-step instructions for putting together a social networking site with Drupal 7 Customize your Drupal installation with modules and themes to match the needs of almost any social networking site Allow users to collaborate and interact with each other on your site Requires no prior knowledge of Drupal or PHP; but even experienced Drupal users will find this book useful to modify an existing installation...