3 Search results

For the term "HBase in Action".
HBase in Action 0

HBase in Action

eBook Details: Paperback: 350 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (November 28, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 1617290521 ISBN-13: 978-1617290527 eBook Description: HBase in Action HBase in Action has all the knowledge you need to design, build, and run applications using HBase. First, it introduces you to the fundamentals of distributed systems and large scale data handling. Then, you’ll explore real-world applications and code samples with just enough theory to understand the practical techniques. You’ll see how to build applications with HBase and take advantage of the MapReduce processing framework. And along the way you’ll learn patterns and best practices. HBase is a...

HBase Administration Cookbook 0

HBase Administration Cookbook

eBook Details: Paperback: 332 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (August 16, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 1849517142 ISBN-13: 978-1849517140 eBook Description: HBase Administration Cookbook Move large amounts of data into HBase and learn how to manage it efficiently Set up HBase on the cloud, get it ready for production, and run it smoothly with high performance Maximize the ability of HBase with the Hadoop eco-system including HDFS, MapReduce, Zookeeper, and Hive HBase Administration Cookbook HBase Administration Cookbook provides practical examples and simple step-by-step instructions for you to administrate HBase with ease. The recipes cover a wide range of processes for managing a...

Spring Data: Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java 0

Spring Data: Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java

eBook Details: Paperback: 316 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook; 1st edition (October 31, 2012) Language: English ISBN-10: 1449323952 ISBN-13: 978-1449323950 eBook Description: Spring Data: Modern Data Access for Enterprise Java Learn about Spring’s template helper classes to simplify the use ofdatabase-specific functionality Explore Spring Data’s repository abstraction and advanced query functionality Use Spring Data with Redis (key/value store), HBase(column-family), MongoDB (document database), and Neo4j (graph database) Discover the GemFire distributed data grid solution Export Spring Data JPA-managed entities to the Web as RESTful web services Simplify the development of HBase applications, using a lightweight object-mapping framework Build example big-data pipelines with...