Multithreaded JavaScript
eBook Details:
- Paperback: 214 pages
- Publisher: WOW! eBook (October 12, 2021)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1098104439
- ISBN-13: 978-1098104436
eBook Description:
Multithreaded JavaScript: Concurrency Beyond the Event Loop
Traditionally, JavaScript has been a single-threaded language. Nearly all online forum posts, books, online documentation, and libraries refer to the language as single threaded. Thanks to recent advancements in the language-such as the Atomics and SharedArrayBuffers objects and Web Workers in the browser-JavaScript is now a multi-threaded language. These features will go down as being the biggest paradigm shift for the world’s most popular programming language.
- Learn what multithreaded programming is and how you can benefit from it
- Understand the differences between a web worker, a service worker, and a worker thread
- Know when and when not to use threads in an application
- Orchestrate communication between threads by leveraging the Atomics object
- Build high-performance applications using the knowledge you gain from this book
- Benchmark performance to learn if you’ll benefit from multithreading
Multithreaded JavaScript explores the various features that JavaScript runtimes have at their disposal for implementing multithreaded programming, providing both practical real-world examples, as well as reference material.
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