Microsoft Azure for Java Developers

Microsoft Azure for Java Developers: Deploying Java Applications through Azure WebApp, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Functions, and Azure Spring Cloud

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 373 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook (August 30, 2022)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1484282507
  • ISBN-13: 978-1484282502

eBook Description:

Microsoft Azure for Java Developers: Deploying Java Applications through Azure WebApp, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Functions, and Azure Spring Cloud

Learn Azure-based features to build and deploy Java applications on Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform. This book provides examples of components on Azure that are of special interest to Java programmers, including the different deployment models that are available. The book shows how to deploy your Java applications in Azure WebApp, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Functions, and Azure Spring Cloud. Also covered is integration with components such as Graph API, Azure Storage, Azure Redis Cache, and Azure SQL.

The Microsoft Azure for Java Developers book begins with a brief discussion of cloud computing and an introduction to Java support on Azure. You’ll then learn how to deploy Java applications using each of the deployment models, and you’ll see examples of integrating with Azure services that are of particular interest to Java programmers. Security is an important aspect, and this book shows you how to enable authentication and authorization for your Java applications using Azure Active Directory.

  • Design and build Azure-based Java applications
  • Run Azure-based Java applications on services such as Azure App Services, Azure Spring Cloud, Azure Functions, and Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Integrate Azure services such as Azure SQL, Azure Storage Account, Azure Redis Cache, Azure Active Directory, and more with Java applications running on Azure
  • Monitor and debug Java applications running on Azure
  • Secure Azure-based Java applications
  • Build DevOps CI/CD strategy for Azure-based Java applications
  • Package and deploy Azure-based Java applications on Azure

Implementing a DevOps strategy is essential in today’s market when building any application. Examples in this book show you how to build continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines to build and deploy Java applications on Azure. The book focuses on the best practices you should follow while designing and implementing Java applications on Azure. The book also elaborates on monitoring and debugging Java applications running on Azure using Application Insights and Azure Monitor.

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