Linux Essentials

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 368 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook; 1st edition (April 3, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1118106792
  • ISBN-13: 978-1118106792

eBook Description:

Linux Essentials

  • Offers a hands-on approach to acquiring a foundation of Linux skills, aiming to ensure Linux beginners gain a solid understanding
  • Uses the leading Linux distribution Fedora to demonstrate tutorials and examples
  • Addresses Linux installation, desktop configuration, management of files and filesystems, remote administration, security, and more

Serving as a low-cost, secure alternative to expensive operating systems, Linux is a UNIX-based, open source operating system. Full-color and concise, this beginner’s guide takes a learning-by-doing approach to understanding the essentials of Linux. Each chapter begins by clearly identifying what you will learn in the chapter, followed by a straightforward discussion of concepts that leads you right into hands-on tutorials. Chapters conclude with additional exercises and review questions, allowing you to reinforce and measure your understanding. This full-color guide thoroughly covers Linux fundamentals. You’ll begin with basic principles and the Linux way of doing things, then move on to common user programs such as the command line and text editors. With these skills in hand, you can tackle system administration tasks, such as user management and network configuration. Whether you’re prepping for the LPI Linux Essentials certification or just brushing up on the basics for your professional work, this is the fast and thorough grounding you need.

  • Offers a hands-on approach to acquiring a foundation of Linux skills, aiming to ensure Linux beginners gain a solid understanding
  • Uses the leading Linux distribution Fedora to demonstrate tutorials and examples
  • Addresses Linux installation, desktop configuration, management of files and filesystems, remote administration, security, and more

This book is essential reading for anyone entering the world of Linux!

From the Back Cover

Learn Linux Quickly and Easily

This full-color guide thoroughly covers Linux fundamentals. You’ll begin with basic principles and the Linux way of doing things, then move on to common user programs such as the command line and text editors. With these skills in hand, you can tackle system administration tasks, such as user management and network configuration. Whether you’re prepping for the LPI Linux Essentials certification or just brushing up on the basics for your professional work, this is the fast and thorough grounding you need.

Learn these Linux essentials and more:

  • Discovering where Linux fits into the OS world
  • Managing hardware in Linux
  • Using Bash, the Linux command line
  • Using file management tools and commands
  • Installing and controlling programs
  • Finding and archiving data on your computer
  • Editing text files with common Linux editors
  • Automating tasks with the help of scripts
  • Managing accounts and groups
  • Setting file ownership and permissions

Manage your computer’s users and groups

Configure your network connections

This striking Essentials book maximizes skill acquisition and knowledge retention with:

  • Chapter-opening learning topics
  • Step-by-step tutorials
  • Four-color screenshots and illustrations
  • Essentials and Beyond summaries and additional suggested exercises
  • Chapter review questions

A unique, full-color introduction to Linux fundamentals

Serving as a low-cost, secure alternative to expensive operating systems, Linux is a UNIX-based, open source operating system. Full-color and concise, this beginner’s guide takes a learning-by-doing approach to understanding the essentials of Linux. Each chapter begins by clearly identifying what you will learn in the chapter, followed by a straightforward discussion of concepts that leads you right into hands-on tutorials. Chapters conclude with additional exercises and review questions, allowing you to reinforce and measure your understanding.

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