Kotlin from Scratch: A Project-Based Introduction for the Intrepid Programmer

Kotlin from Scratch: A Project-Based Introduction for the Intrepid Programmer

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 432 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook (January 14, 2025)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1718503520
  • ISBN-13: 978-1718503526

eBook Description:

Kotlin from Scratch: A Project-Based Introduction for the Intrepid Programmer: Learn Kotlin Through 37 Projects

Kotlin isn’t just for building Android apps. As you’ll learn in Kotlin from Scratch, it’s also a general programming language for crafting both elegant and efficient code.

With the aid of 37 hands-on projects, you’ll move quickly through the language basics while building your problem-solving skills, even tackling advanced concepts like fractals, dynamic systems, and nature-inspired algorithms. You’ll explore the way Kotlin handles variables, control structures, functions, classes, and data structures, and you’ll learn to create visualizations using Kotlin and the JavaFX graphics library. Then you’ll build increasingly sophisticated apps to practice what you’ve learned while tackling challenges from math and science to algorithms and optimization.

As you progress through the Kotlin from Scratch: A Project-Based Introduction for the Intrepid Programmer book, you will:

  • Simulate physical systems, like the intricate dance of binary stars
  • Implement the classic Hill cipher for encryption and decryption
  • Generate beautiful fractals with recursive algorithms
  • Program classic computer science algorithms for sorting and searching
  • Solve the infamous Berlin52 traveling salesman problem

Expand your language repertoire and improve your computational thinking with Kotlin from Scratch: A Project-Based Introduction for the Intrepid Programmer.

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