Kotlin Apprentice: Beginning Programming with Kotlin, 2nd Edition

Kotlin Apprentice: Beginning Programming with Kotlin, 2nd Edition

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 496 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook (October 1, 2019)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1950325008
  • ISBN-13: 978-1950325009

eBook Description:

Kotlin Apprentice: Beginning Programming with Kotlin, 2nd Edition: Learn programming with Kotlin!: Up to date for Android 10 and Kotlin 1.3

The Kotlin Apprentice, 2nd Edition is a book designed for complete beginners to Kotlin, a modern language used for Android development. This is a book for complete beginners to the new, modern Kotlin language.

Kotlin is the exciting modern language from JetBrains, creators of IntelliJ IDEA, the basis of many popular IDEs such as Android Studio and PyCharm. Since the adoption of Kotlin by Google as an official language for Android, the momentum behind Kotlin has gone off the charts.

Everything in the book takes place in a clean, modern development environment, which means you can focus on the core features of programming in the Kotlin language, without getting bogged down in the many details of building apps.

This is a sister book to the Android Apprentice focuses on making apps for Android, while the Kotlin Apprentice, 2nd Edition focuses on the Kotlin language fundamentals. Kotlin supports many platforms, including Android, the web, the back-end, and even iOS. By reading this book, you’ll be ready to use Kotlin on any and all of these platforms.

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