High-Performance Web Apps with FastAPI

High-Performance Web Apps with FastAPI: The Asynchronous Web Framework Based on Modern Python

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 329 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook (March 28, 2023)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1484291778
  • ISBN-13: 978-1484291771

eBook Description:

High-Performance Web Apps with FastAPI: The Asynchronous Web Framework Based on Modern Python

Build APIs and web apps based on Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI). This book provides a comprehensive explanation of using Pydantic models to construct the request/response objects in a FASTAPI path operation.

You’ll start by reviewing type hints in Python and the asynchronous processing concepts. One of the highlights of FastAPI is its auto generation of API docs. Pydantic library is the main pillar on top of which FastAPI is built. You’ll see that ASGI has a far better performance compared to most of the other popular Python frameworks as they implement Web server Gateway Interface (WSGI), which is synchronous in nature and hence having slower response time.

This book thoroughly explains how FastAPI interacts asynchronously with relational as well as NOSQL databases. Modern web apps use template engines to interact with the front-end. In this book, you will learn to use jinja2 templates and static assets. Swagger UI and OpenAPI standards are also covered in detail. Finally, different options of deployment of FastAPI app have been explored in this book.

  • Develop robust and high-performance web apps
  • Deploy the FastAPI app for public availability using cloud services such as Deta and Docker container
  • Understand the important building blocks of a web app such as form handling, templating and database interaction

This High-Performance Web Apps with FastAPI book uses practical examples to empower you to build high performance APIs.

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