Full-Stack Web Development with TypeScript 5

Full-Stack Web Development with TypeScript 5

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 272 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook (August 2, 2024)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1835885594
  • ISBN-13: 978-1835885581

eBook Description:

Full-Stack Web Development with TypeScript 5: Craft modern full-stack projects with Bun, PostgreSQL, Svelte, TypeScript, and OpenAI. Unleash the power of modern web development and master both frontend and backend development by building a real-world application.

This Full-Stack Web Development with TypeScript 5 book takes you on a journey with TypeScript 5, introducing its nuances and advantages over traditional JavaScript, explaining TypeScript basics, and highlighting the syntax, typing, generics, classes, and interfaces. Expert advice will help you build your understanding of TypeScript’s role in modern web applications.

You’ll gain hands-on experience with the tools required to write full-stack web applications end to end, beginning with setting up the Bun environment for backend development. This book also explores server-side functionality such as authentication, routing, and database integration with PostgreSQL. The second part of the book focuses on the integration of the OpenAI API, demonstrating the use of the GPT API for different use cases. The final part covers frontend development using Svelte, guiding you through UI design, state management, and performance optimization. Each chapter has real-world examples and comparisons to other technologies, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of full-stack development.

  • Develop a chat application by implementing frontend and backend features effectively
  • Build powerful backends using PostgreSQL
  • Write unit tests efficiently for cleaner and more reliable apps
  • Understand full-stack application architecture for better scalability and maintainability
  • Create dynamic and responsive UIs with Svelte
  • Use debugging, testing, and logging tools in web applications to quickly detect and minimize errors

By the end of this Full-Stack Web Development with TypeScript 5 book, you’ll have learned how to build modern web applications using TypeScript 5 and confidently tackle full-stack development challenges.

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