Essential TypeScript 5, Third Edition

Essential TypeScript 5, 3rd Edition

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 568 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook; 3rd edition (October 10, 2023)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1633437310
  • ISBN-13: 978-1633437319

eBook Description:

Essential TypeScript 5, 3rd Edition: Now in its third edition, this bestselling guide to TypeScript takes you through the nuts and bolts of the language. No frills, no fuss just TypeScript essentials!

TypeScript enhances JavaScript with static typing, while keeping all the JS flexibility you know and love! It’s the perfect choice for any developer looking to improve the predictability and reliability of their code. Essential TypeScript 5, Third Edition teaches you how to get the most out of TypeScript 5 for a consistent, dependable development experience.

Inside Essential TypeScript 5, 3rd Edition you’ll learn how to:

  • Configure the TypeScript development tools
  • Use type annotations
  • Create strongly typed functions and classes
  • Use generic types
  • Use type guards to determine types
  • Create and consume type declaration files
  • Use TypeScript to create web applications with Angular and React

The book starts you off with a proper understanding of the JavaScript type system that will make using TypeScript so much easier. On that solid foundation, you’ll build your understanding of TypeScript development, following a hands-on learning path all the way to TypeScript’s advanced features.

TypeScript is a popular superset of JavaScript that adds support for static typing. TypeScript’s typing features, which will be instantly familiar to C# or Java programmers, help you reduce errors and improve the overall quality of your JavaScript code.

Essential TypeScript 5, Third Edition is a fully updated third edition of the classic Adam Freeman bestseller. It provides full coverage of TypeScript 5, including new features like decorators. You’ll begin with the hows-and-whys of TypeScript, then quickly progress to practical applications of static types. No wasted pages! Each chapter is focused on the skills you need to write awesome web apps.


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