Elasticsearch in Action, Second Edition

Elasticsearch in Action, 2nd Edition

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 592 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook; 2nd edition (October 31, 2023)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1617299855
  • ISBN-13: 978-1617299858

eBook Description:

Elasticsearch in Action, 2nd Edition: Build powerful, production-ready search applications using the incredible features of Elasticsearch.

Elasticsearch in Action, Second Edition teaches you to build scalable search applications using Elasticsearch. This completely new edition explores Elasticsearch fundamentals from the ground up. You’ll deep dive into design principles, search architectures, and Elasticsearch’s essential APIs. Every chapter is clearly illustrated with diagrams and hands-on examples. You’ll even explore real-world use cases for full text search, data visualizations, and machine learning. Plus, its comprehensive nature means you’ll keep coming back to the book as a handy reference!

Create fully professional-grade search engines with Elasticsearch and Kibana! Rewritten for the latest version of Elasticsearch, this practical book explores Elasticsearch’s high-level architecture, reveals infrastructure patterns, and walks through the search and analytics capabilities of numerous Elasticsearch APIs.

In Elasticsearch in Action, 2nd Edition you will discover:

  • Architecture, concepts, and fundamentals of Elasticsearch
  • Installing, configuring, and running Elasticsearch and Kibana
  • Creating an index with custom settings
  • Data types, mapping fundamentals, and templates
  • Fundamentals of text analysis and working with text analyzers
  • Indexing, deleting, and updating documents
  • Indexing data in bulk, and reindexing and aliasing operations
  • Learning search concepts, relevancy scores, and similarity algorithms

Elasticsearch in Action, Second Edition teaches you how to add modern search features to websites and applications using Elasticsearch 8. In it, you’ll quickly progress from the basics of installation and configuring clusters, to indexing documents, advanced aggregations, and putting your servers into production. You’ll especially appreciate the mix of technical detail with techniques for designing great search experiences.

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