Digital Transformation of SAP Supply Chain Processes

Digital Transformation of SAP Supply Chain Processes: Build Mobile Apps Using SAP BTP and SAP Mobile Services

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 265 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook (May 7, 2024)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 8868802690
  • ISBN-13: 978-8868802690

eBook Description:

Digital Transformation of SAP Supply Chain Processes: Build Mobile Apps Using SAP BTP and SAP Mobile Services

Take a high-level tour of SAP oDATA integrations with frontend technologies like Angular using the SAP Mobile Services Platform. This Digital Transformation of SAP Supply Chain Processes book will give you a different perspective on executing SAP transactions on iOS using Angular instead of SAP-provided Fiori-based applications.

You’ll start by learning about SAP supply chain processes such as Goods Receipt, Transfer Posting, Goods Issue, and Inventory Search. You’ll then move on to understanding the thought process involved in integrating SAP’s backend (SAP ECC) with Angular iOS app using SAP Mobile Services running on SAP BTP. All this will serve as a guide tailored to SAP functional and technical consultants actively engaged in client-facing roles. You’ll follow a roadmap for modernizing and streamlining supply chain operations by leveraging Angular iOS apps.

What You Will Learn

  • Study the fundamental procedures to set up the Authorization Endpoint, Token Endpoint, and base URL within SAP Mobile Services
  • Manage attachments in mobile applications and store them in an external content repository
  • Gain proficiency in testing OData services using the POSTMAN API client with OAuth protocol
  • Acquire knowledge about the JSON messages, CORS protocol, and X-CSRF token exchange
  • Link Zebra Printers through the Zebra Native Printing app on iOS App to print SAP forms on mobile printers

Digital Transformation of SAP Supply Chain Processes provides the essential tools for businesses looking to stay competitive in today’s technology-driven landscape.

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