Demystified Object-Oriented Programming with C++

Demystifying Object-Oriented Programming with C++

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 568 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook (May 11, 2021)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1839218835
  • ISBN-13: 978-1839218835

eBook Description:

Demystified Object-Oriented Programming with C++: Become an accomplished C++ programmer by embracing object-oriented programming and exploring language complexities, design patterns, and smart programming techniques to gain a competitive advantage in the modern IT world

While object-oriented software design helps you write more easily maintainable code, companies use C++ for its speed. Object-oriented programming (OOP) in C++ is not automatic – understanding OO (object-oriented) concepts and how they map to C++ language features as well as OOP techniques is crucial. You must know how to distinguish your code by utilizing well-tested, creative solutions, which can be found in popular design patterns. This Demystifying Object-Oriented Programming with C++ book will help you to harness OOP in C++ for writing better code.

Starting with the essential C++ features that serve as building blocks for the main chapters, this book explains fundamental OO concepts and shows you how to implement them in C++. With the help of practical code examples and diagrams, you’ll find out how things work. The book’s coverage furthers your C++ repertoire by including templates, exceptions, operator overloading, STL, and OO component testing. You’ll also discover popular design patterns to utilize effective programming solutions to recurring OOP problems.

  • Get to grips with the building blocks needed to learn essential OOP features in C++
  • Implement OO designs using both C++ language features and proven programming techniques
  • Understand how well designed, encapsulated code helps make more easily maintainable software
  • Write robust C++ code that can handle programming exceptions
  • Design extensible and generic code using templates
  • Apply operator overloading, utilize STL, and perform OO component testing
  • Examine popular design patterns to provide creative solutions for typical OO problems

By the end of this Demystified Object-Oriented Programming with C++ book, you’ll be able to employ essential and advanced OOP concepts confidently to create enduring and robust software.

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