Category: Databases & Big Data

Python Data Cleaning and Preparation Best Practices 0

Python Data Cleaning and Preparation Best Practices

eBook Details: Paperback: 456 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (September 27, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 1837634742 ISBN-13: 978-1837634743 eBook Description: Python Data Cleaning and Preparation Best Practices: A practical guide to organizing and handling data from various sources and formats using Python. Take your data preparation skills to the next level by converting any type of data asset into a structured, formatted, and readily usable dataset. Professionals face several challenges in effectively leveraging data in today’s data-driven world. One of the main challenges is the low quality of data products, often caused by inaccurate, incomplete, or inconsistent data. Another significant challenge is the lack...

Data Visualization with Microsoft Power BI: How to Design Savvy Dashboards 0

Data Visualization with Microsoft Power BI

eBook Details: Paperback: 413 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (October 8, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 1098152786 ISBN-13: 978-1098152789 eBook Description: Data Visualization with Microsoft Power BI: How to Design Savvy Dashboards The sheer volume of business data has reached an all-time high. Using visualizations to transform this data into useful and understandable information can facilitate better decision-making. This practical Data Visualization with Microsoft Power BI book shows data analysts as well as professionals in finance, sales, and marketing how to quickly create visualizations and build savvy dashboards. This Data Visualization with Microsoft Power BI: How to Design Savvy Dashboards book helps you understand:...

Hands-On Large Language Models: Language Understanding and Generation 0

Hands-On Large Language Models

eBook Details: Paperback: 425 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (October 15, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 1098150961 ISBN-13: 978-1098150969 eBook Description: Hands-On Large Language Models: Language Understanding and Generation AI has acquired startling new language capabilities in just the past few years. Driven by rapid advances in deep learning, language AI systems are able to write and understand text better than ever before. This trend is enabling new features, products, and entire industries. Through this Hands-On Large Language Models book’s visually educational nature, readers will learn practical tools and concepts they need to use these capabilities today. This Hands-On Large Language Models: Language Understanding...

Beginning MongoDB Atlas with .NET: Flexible and Scalable Document Data Storage for .NET Developers 0

Beginning MongoDB Atlas with .NET

eBook Details: Paperback: 187 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (September 18, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 1484295498 ISBN-13: 978-1484295496 eBook Description: Beginning MongoDB Atlas with .NET: Flexible and Scalable Document Data Storage for .NET Developers This Beginning MongoDB Atlas with .NET book is a tutorial on MongoDB customized for developers working in Microsoft .NET 6, .NET 7, and beyond. It explains the differences between relational database systems and the document model supported by MongoDB, and shows how to build .NET applications that run against a MongoDB database, especially one in the cloud. Author Luce Carter kicks things off by teaching you how to determine...

Building Production-Grade Web Applications with Supabase 0

Building Production-Grade Web Applications with Supabase

eBook Details: Paperback: 534 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (August 9, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 1837630682 ISBN-13: 978-1837630684 eBook Description: Building Production-Grade Web Applications with Supabase: A comprehensive guide to database design, security, real-time data, storage, multi-tenancy, and more. Craft resilient web applications with Supabase by leveraging advanced features such as authentication, data and user management, and seamless AI integration using its powerful Postgres infrastructure. Discover the powerful capabilities of Supabase, the cutting-edge, open-source platform flipping the script on backend architecture. Guided by David Lorenz, a battle-tested software architect with over two decades of development experience, this Building Production-Grade Web Applications with Supabase...