Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 3rd Edition

eBook Details:

  • Hardcover: 1008 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook; 3rd edition (September 23, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0136100910
  • ISBN-13: 978-0136100911

eBook Description:

Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 3rd Edition

Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 3rd Edition, is ideal for one- or two-semester courses in data structures (CS-2) in the departments of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Business, and Management Information Systems. This is the most student-friendly data structures text available that introduces ADTs in individual, brief chapters – each with pedagogical tools to help students master each concept. Using the latest features of Java, this unique object-oriented presentation makes a clear distinction between specification and implementation to simplify learning, while providing maximum classroom flexibility.

Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 3rd Edition

Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 3rd Edition, is ideal for one- or two-semester courses in data structures (CS-2) in the departments of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Business, and Management Information Systems. This is the most student-friendly data structures text available that introduces ADTs in individual, brief chapters – each with pedagogical tools to help students master each concept. Using the latest features of Java, this unique object-oriented presentation makes a clear distinction between specification and implementation to simplify learning, while providing maximum classroom flexibility.

New To This Edition

  • Earlier introduction of abstract data types, resizable arrays, and linked data.
  • More gradual coverage of linked data.
  • Earlier coverage of algorithm efficiency, stacks, recursion, sorting, and queues.
  • Better motivation of the need for algorithm efficiency.
  • Chapters 1 through 3 Bags, Bag Implementations That Use Arrays, and A Bag Implementation That Links Data introduce and implement the ADT bag.
  • New elements, including A Problem Solved and Design Decision.
  • Review of Java classes that appeared in the initial chapters of the second edition is now in the appendices.
  • VideoNotes short instructional tutorials reinforce key concepts presented in the book.
  • Coverage of the standard interface Deque and the class ArrayDeque.
  • Additional Programming Projects.
  • Answers to Self-Test Questions appear at the end of each chapter instead of an appendix.

Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 3rd Edition, is ideal for one- or two-semester courses in data structures (CS-2) in the departments of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Business, and Management Information Systems. This is the most student-friendly data structures text available that introduces ADTs in individual, brief chapters – each with pedagogical tools to help students master each concept. Using the latest features of Java, this unique object-oriented presentation makes a clear distinction between specification and implementation to simplify learning, while providing maximum classroom flexibility.

Data Structures and Abstractions with Java, 3rd Edition, is ideal for one- or two-semester courses in data structures (CS-2) in the departments of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Business, and Management Information Systems. This is the most student-friendly data structures text available that introduces ADTs in individual, brief chapters – each with pedagogical tools to help students master each concept. Using the latest features of Java, this unique object-oriented presentation makes a clear distinction between specification and implementation to simplify learning, while providing maximum classroom flexibility.

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