Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift: Implementing Practical Data Structures with Swift, 4th Edition

Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift: Implementing Practical Data Structures with Swift, 4th Edition

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 459 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook; 4th edition (September 14, 2021)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1950325407
  • ISBN-13: 978-1950325405

eBook Description:

Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift: Implementing Practical Data Structures with Swift, 4th Edition: Learn Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift!: Up to date for iOS 15, Swift 5.5 & Xcode 13

The most popular and comprehensive book on Swift algorithms & data structures! Covers search, sort, trees, stacks, and more.

Understanding how data structures and algorithms work in code is crucial for creating efficient and scalable apps and acing job interviews. Swift’s standard library and, more recently, the Swift Collections and Algorithms packages contain a robust set of general-purpose collection types and algorithms, yet they don’t cover every case!

Data structures and algorithms form the basis of computer programming and are the starting point for anyone looking to become a software engineer. Choosing the proper data structure and algorithm involves understanding the many details and trade-offs of using them, which can be time-consuming to learn – and confusing.

In Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift, 4th Edition, you’ll learn how to implement the most popular and useful data structures and when and why you should use one particular data structure or algorithm over another. This set of basic data structures and algorithms will serve as an excellent foundation for building more complex and special-purpose constructs. The high-level expressiveness of Swift makes it an ideal choice for learning these core concepts without sacrificing performance.

This is where this book, Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift, Fourth Edition, comes to the rescue! In this book, you’ll learn the nuts and bolts of how fundamental data structures and algorithms work by using easy-to-follow tutorials loaded with illustrations; you’ll also learn by working in Swift playground code.

You’ll start with the fundamental structures of linked lists, queues and stacks, and see how to implement them in a highly Swift-like way. Move on to working with various types of trees, including general purpose trees, binary trees, AVL trees, binary search trees, and tries. Go beyond bubble and insertion sort with better-performing algorithms, including mergesort, radix sort, heap sort, and quicksort. Learn how to construct directed, non-directed and weighted graphs to represent many real-world models. Traverse those graphs and trees efficiently with breadth-first, depth-first, Dijkstra’s and Prim’s algorithms to solve problems such as finding the shortest path or lowest cost in a network.

Topics Covered in Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift, 4th Edition

  • Basic data structures and algorithms, including stacks, queues and linked lists.
  • How protocols can be used to generalize algorithms.
  • How to leverage the algorithms of the Swift standard library with your own data structures.
  • Trees, tries and graphs.
  • Building algorithms on top of other primitives.
  • A complete spectrum of sorting algorithms from simple to advanced.
  • How to think about algorithmic complexity.
  • Finding shortest paths, traversals, subgraphs and much more.

After reading this Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift: Implementing Practical Data Structures with Swift, 4th Edition book, you’ll have a solid foundation on data structures and algorithms and be ready to solve more complex problems in your apps elegantly.

By the end of this Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift, 4th Edition book, you’ll have hands-on experience solving common issues with data structures and algorithms – and you’ll be well on your way to developing your own efficient and useful implementations!

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