Category: Programming

System Programming Essentials with Go 0

System Programming Essentials with Go

eBook Details: Paperback: 408 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (June 28, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 1837634130 ISBN-13: 978-1837634132 eBook Description: System Programming Essentials with Go: System calls, networking, efficiency, and security practices with practical projects in Golang. Go beyond web development to learn system programming, building secure, concurrent, and efficient applications with Go’s unique system programming capabilities. Alex Rios, a seasoned Go developer and active community builder, shares his 15 years of expertise in designing large-scale systems through this System Programming Essentials with Go book. It masterfully cuts through complexity, enabling you to build efficient and secure applications with Go’s streamlined syntax and...

Microsoft Power Pages in Action 0

Microsoft Power Pages in Action

eBook Details: Paperback: 350 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (June 28, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 1837630453 ISBN-13: 978-1837630455 eBook Description: Microsoft Power Pages in Action: Accelerate your low-code journey with functional-rich web apps using Power Pages. Master low-code web app development with Power Pages, learn to customize web apps using Liquid and JavaScript guided by step-by-step instructions and real-world examples. Microsoft Power Pages in Action is a comprehensive beginner’s guide for effortlessly building and customizing functional-rich web apps. Packed with real-world examples, it offers a practical understanding of the Power Pages environment. You’ll understand web pages by creating data tables and forms, progress...

GraphQL Best Practices 0

GraphQL Best Practices

eBook Details: Paperback: 333 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (November 11, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 1835467148 ISBN-13: 978-1835467145 eBook Description: GraphQL Best Practices: Hands-on experience with schema design, security, and error handling for developers. Get to grips with best practices, advanced techniques, and practical examples in TypeScript for building a scalable and secure backend with seamless frontend integration. In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, GraphQL has emerged as a powerful query language that addresses the limitations of traditional REST APIs. This GraphQL Best Practices guide delves deep into GraphQL, starting with its foundational principles and swiftly advancing to complex topics that will...

Optimizing Cloud Native Java: Practical Techniques for Improving JVM Application Performance, 2nd Edition 0

Optimizing Cloud Native Java, 2nd Edition

eBook Details: Paperback: 494 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook; 2nd edition (November 19, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 1098149343 ISBN-13: 978-1098149345 eBook Description: Optimizing Cloud Native Java: Practical Techniques for Improving JVM Application Performance, 2nd Edition Performance tuning is an experimental science, but that doesn’t mean engineers should resort to guesswork and folklore to get the job done. Yet that’s often the case. With this Optimizing Cloud Native Java, 2nd Edition practical book, intermediate to advanced Java technologists working with complex platforms will learn how to tune Java cloud applications for performance using a quantitative, verifiable, and repeatable approach. With this Optimizing Cloud...

Flutter App Development: How to Write for iOS and Android at Once 0

Flutter App Development: How to Write for iOS and Android at Once

eBook Details: Paperback: 339 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (October 18, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 8868804847 ISBN-13: 978-8868804847 eBook Description: Flutter App Development: How to Write for iOS and Android at Once Create apps for iOS and Android phones and tablets using Flutter, a Google framework that produces two outputs for a single app. Let’s face it, creating iOS apps using Apple tools such as Swift and Xcode is extremely complicated. Creating Android apps with Kotlin and Android Studio is just as difficult. This Flutter App Development book breaks down complex concepts and tasks into easily digestible segments with examples, full-color pictures,...