Category: Hardware & DIY

Embedded Software Design: A Practical Approach to Architecture, Processes, and Coding Techniques 0

Embedded Software Design

eBook Details: Paperback: 491 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (November 1, 2022) Language: English ISBN-10: 1484282787 ISBN-13: 978-1484282786 eBook Description: Embedded Software Design: A Practical Approach to Architecture, Processes, and Coding Techniques Design higher-quality embedded software from concept through production. This book assumes basic C and microcontroller programming knowledge and is organized into three critical areas: Software Architecture and Design; Agile, DevOps, and Processes; and Development and Coding Skills. You’ll start with a basic introduction to embedded software architecture and the considerations for a successful design. The book then breaks down how to architect an RTOS-based application and explore common design patterns and...

Building Enterprise IoT Solutions with Eclipse IoT Technologies: An Open Source Approach to Edge Computing 1

Building Enterprise IoT Solutions with Eclipse IoT Technologies

eBook Details: Paperback: 392 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (December 14, 2022) Language: English ISBN-10: 1484288815 ISBN-13: 978-1484288818 eBook Description: Building Enterprise IoT Solutions with Eclipse IoT Technologies: An Open Source Approach to Edge Computing Build IoT solutions for the enterprise using open-source building blocks from the Eclipse IoT Working Group at the Eclipse Foundation. This book introduces you to key protocols and their implementations, such as CoAP (Eclipse Californium), DDS (Eclipse Cyclone DDS), LwM2M (Eclipse Leshan), and MQTT (Eclipse Paho, Eclipse Mosquitto, and Eclipse Amlen). You will learn about Edge Computing platforms (Eclipse ioFog, Eclipse Kanto), IoT gateways (Eclipse Kura, Eclipse...

Real-Time Animation with Adobe Character Animator 0

Real-Time Animation with Adobe Character Animator

eBook Details: Paperback: 302 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (December 23, 2022) Language: English ISBN-10: 1803246944 ISBN-13: 978-1803246949 eBook Description: Real-Time Animation with Adobe Character Animator: Build real-time animations without expensive equipment using this quick how-to guide printed in full-color Adobe Character Animator is a power app for non-animators that provides easy rigging and easy-to- understand tools that enable you to create entertainment or business videos in no time. This guide to Character Animator gives you a comprehensive overview of the app, helping you learn the entire process―from importing a character designed in Adobe Photoshop to animating a sequence. Complete with background art,...

The Book of I²C: A Guide for Adventurers 0

The Book of I²C

eBook Details: Paperback: 440 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (October 11, 2022) Language: English ISBN-10: 171850246X ISBN-13: 978-1718502468 eBook Description: The Book of I²C: A Guide for Adventurers: An extensive practical guide to connecting real-world devices to microcontrollers with the popular I²C bus If you work with embedded systems, you’re bound to encounter the ubiquitous Inter-Integrated Circuit bus (IIC, I2C, or I²C) – a serial protocol for connecting integrated circuits in a computer system. In The Book of I²C, the first comprehensive guide to this bus, bestselling author Randall Hyde draws on 40 years of industry experience to get you started designing...

Bare Metal C: Embedded Programming for the Real World 0

Bare Metal C

eBook Details: Paperback: 304 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (August 2, 2022) Language: English ISBN-10: 1718501625 ISBN-13: 978-1718501621 eBook Description: Bare Metal C: Embedded Programming for the Real World teaches you to program embedded systems with the C programming language. You’ll learn how embedded programs interact with bare hardware directly, go behind the scenes with the compiler and linker, and learn C features that are important for programming regular computers. Bare Metal C will teach you how to program embedded devices with the C programming language. For embedded system programmers who want precise and complete control over the system they are using,...