Category: Game Development

Mastering Game Development with Unreal Engine 4 – Second Edition 0

Mastering Game Development with Unreal Engine 4 – Second Edition

eBook Details: Paperback: 356 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook; 2nd Revised edition (September 28, 2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 1788991443 ISBN-13: 978-1788991445 eBook Description: Mastering Game Development with Unreal Engine 4, 2nd Edition: A comprehensive guide with coverage on AudioFX, Particle system, shaders, sequencers, and the latest features of Unreal 4.19 that will take your game development skills to the next level

Swift Game Development – Third Edition 0

Swift Game Development – Third Edition

eBook Details: Paperback: 434 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (September 28, 2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 1788471156 ISBN-13: 978-1788471152 eBook Description: Swift Game Development, 3rd Edition: Learn iOS 12 game development using SpriteKit, SceneKit and ARKit 2.0 and embrace the mobile gaming revolution by creating popular iOS games with Swift 4.2

Learn OpenGL 0

Learn OpenGL

eBook Details: Paperback: 208 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (August 31, 2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 1789340365 ISBN-13: 978-1789340365 eBook Description: Learn OpenGL: A step-by-step instructional guide to understanding the fundamentals of game development with OpenGL. Right from the setup to the important features, we’ll get a better understanding of games and the engines behind them.