Category: Engineering & Technology
eBook Details: Paperback: 896 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (January 1, 2023) Language: English ISBN-10: 1266262490 ISBN-13: 978-1266262494 eBook Description: Engineering Circuit Analysis, 10th Edition The hallmark feature of Engineering Circuit Analysis, 10th Edition is its focus on the student. This text is written so students may teach the science of circuit analysis to themselves. Terms are clearly defined, basic material appears toward the beginning of each chapter and is explained carefully and in detail, and numerical examples are used to introduce and suggest general results. Simple practice problems appear throughout each chapter, while more difficult problems appear at the end of chapters....
eBook Details: Paperback: 640 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook; 10th edition (January 9, 2023) Language: English ISBN-10: 1266220054 ISBN-13: 978-1266220050 eBook Description: Electronics: Principles and Applications, 10th Edition Electronics: Principles and Applications, 10th Edition, requires no prior knowledge of electrical theory and principles. This text has been written at a level that allows students with limited math and reading skills to gain a clear understanding, and provides the entry-level knowledge and skills for a wide range of occupations within electricity and electronics. The text also offers a wildly popular Experiments Manual.
eBook Details: Paperback: 550 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook; 2nd edition (March 26, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 8868801983 ISBN-13: 978-8868801983 eBook Description: Beginning STM32: Developing with FreeRTOS, libopencm3, and GCC, 2nd Edition See how using FreeRTOS and libopencm3 instead of the Arduino software environment will help you develop multi-tasking applications that go beyond Arduino norms. This updated Beginning STM32, 2nd Edition version includes expanded coverage of software setup for Windows 10 and 11, additional TM32 hardware capabilities, including clear explanations of “totem pole outputs” versus “open drain outputs,” and a new section on project showcasing an interrupt-driven approach for processing USART data....
eBook Details: Paperback: 463 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook; 3rd edition (March 18, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 1484298454 ISBN-13: 978-1484298459 eBook Description: MATLAB Machine Learning Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, 3rd Edition Harness the power of MATLAB to resolve a wide range of machine learning challenges. This new and updated MATLAB Machine Learning Recipes, 3rd Edition provides examples of technologies critical to machine learning. Each example solves a real-world problem, and all code provided is executable. You can easily look up a particular problem and follow the steps in the solution. What You Will Learn Write code for machine learning, adaptive control, and...
eBook Details: Paperback: 218 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (January 20, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 8868801334 ISBN-13: 978-8868801334 eBook Description: ABCs of Electronics: An Easy Guide to Electronics Engineering (Maker Innovations Series) Learn the fundamental principles of electronic components in a simple, easy-to-follow text. This ABCs of Electronics book is a must-have for anyone seeking to master the basics of electronic engineering. Completely avoiding unnecessary complex technical concepts and highly mathematical terms, chapters are presented in simple language, using analogies that are familiar to everyone. From deciphering schematics to practical implementation, the knowledge imparted in these pages opens doors to exciting possibilities. You’ll...