Category: Algorithms & Cryptography
eBook Details: Paperback: 305 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (July 11, 2022) Language: English ISBN-10: 1803242817 ISBN-13: 978-1803242811 eBook Description: Developing High-Frequency Trading Systems: Use your programming skills to create and optimize high-frequency trading systems in no time with Java, C++, and Python The world of trading markets is complex, but it can be made easier with technology. Sure, you know how to code, but where do you start? What programming language do you use? How do you solve the problem of latency? This book answers all these questions. It will help you navigate the world of algorithmic trading and show you...
eBook Details: Paperback: 458 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (January 25, 2022) Language: English ISBN-10: 1950325571 ISBN-13: 978-1950325573 eBook Description: Data Structures & Algorithms in Dart: Implementing Practical Data Structures in Dart: Learn Data Structures and Algorithms: Up to date for Flutter, Dart 2.15 & VS Code 1.63 Perhaps you’ve heard about Big O notation, stacks and queues, or bubble sort and quicksort. You’d like to learn more, but it’s hard to find any good examples and explanations that use your favorite programming language Dart. Data Structures & Algorithms in Dart is here to help with in-depth explanations, copious illustrations, and step-by-step examples...
eBook Details: Paperback: 412 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook; 2nd edition (June 10, 2022) Language: English ISBN-10: 1803231181 ISBN-13: 978-1803231181 eBook Description: Solidity Programming Essentials, 2nd Edition: A comprehensive guide sprinkled with lots of hands-on code samples to get you up and running with Solidity and writing your smart contracts on Blockchain and Ethereum Solidity is a high-level language for writing smart contracts, and the syntax has large similarities with JavaScript, thereby making it easier for developers to learn, design, compile, and deploy smart contracts on large blockchain ecosystems including Ethereum and Polygon among others. This Solidity Programming Essentials, Second Edition book...
eBook Details: Paperback: 435 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (May 17, 2022) Language: English ISBN-10: 1492082384 ISBN-13: 978-1492082385 eBook Description: Data Algorithms with Spark: Recipes and Design Patterns for Scaling Up using PySpark Apache Spark’s speed, ease of use, sophisticated analytics, and multilanguage support makes practical knowledge of this cluster-computing framework a required skill for data engineers and data scientists. With this hands-on guide, anyone looking for an introduction to Spark will learn practical algorithms and examples using PySpark. With this Data Algorithms with Spark book, you will: Learn how to select Spark transformations for optimized solutions Explore powerful transformations and reductions including...
eBook Details: Paperback: 304 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (July 5, 2022) Language: English ISBN-10: 1617298034 ISBN-13: 978-1617298035 eBook Description: Algorithms and Data Structures for Massive Datasets: Massive modern datasets make traditional data structures and algorithms grind to a halt. This fun and practical guide introduces cutting-edge techniques that can reliably handle even the largest distributed datasets. Algorithms and Data Structures for Massive Datasets reveals a toolbox of new methods that are perfect for handling modern big data applications. You’ll explore the novel data structures and algorithms that underpin Google, Facebook, and other enterprise applications that work with truly massive amounts of data....