Category: Algorithms & Cryptography

TLS Cryptography In-Depth 0

TLS Cryptography In-Depth

eBook Details: Paperback: 712 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (January 29, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 1804611956 ISBN-13: 978-1804611951 eBook Description: TLS Cryptography In-Depth: Explore the intricacies of modern cryptography and the inner workings of TLS. A practical introduction to modern cryptography using the Transport Layer Security protocol as the primary reference. TLS is the most widely used cryptographic protocol today, enabling e-commerce, online banking, and secure online communication. TLS Cryptography in Depth will help you gain a deep understanding of how and why TLS works, how past attacks on TLS were possible, and how vulnerabilities that enabled them were addressed in the latest...

Blockchain Essentials: Core Concepts and Implementations 0

Blockchain Essentials

eBook Details: Paperback: 284 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (January 6, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 1484299744 ISBN-13: 978-1484299746 eBook Description: Blockchain Essentials: Core Concepts and Implementations This book will teach you the core concepts of blockchain technology in a concise manner through straightforward, concrete examples using a range of programming languages, including Python and Solidity. The 50 programs presented in this book are all you need to gain a firm understanding of blockchain and how to implement it. The book begins with an introduction to the fundamentals of blockchain technology, followed by a review of its types, framework, applications and challenges. Moving ahead,...

Graph Algorithms for Data Science: With examples in Neo4j 0

Graph Algorithms for Data Science

eBook Details: Paperback: 352 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (February 27, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 1617299464 ISBN-13: 978-1617299469 eBook Description: Graph Algorithms for Data Science: With examples in Neo4j: Practical methods for analyzing your data with graphs, revealing hidden connections and new insights. Graphs are the natural way to represent and understand connected data. This book explores the most important algorithms and techniques for graphs in data science, with concrete advice on implementation and deployment. You don’t need any graph experience to start benefiting from this insightful guide. These powerful graph algorithms are explained in clear, jargon-free text and illustrations that makes them...

Statistics Slam Dunk: Statistical analysis with R on real NBA data 0

Statistics Slam Dunk

eBook Details: Paperback: 672 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (February 6, 2024) Language: English ISBN-10: 1633438686 ISBN-13: 978-1633438682 eBook Description: Statistics Slam Dunk: Statistical analysis with R on real NBA data: Learn statistics by analyzing professional basketball data! In this action-packed book, you’ll build your skills in exploratory data analysis by digging into the fascinating world of NBA games and player stats using the R language. Statistics Slam Dunk is an engaging how-to guide for statistical analysis with R. Each chapter contains an end-to-end data science or statistics project delving into NBA data and revealing real-world sporting insights. Written by a former basketball...

Data Science for Web3 0

Data Science for Web3

eBook Details: Paperback: 344 pages Publisher: WOW! eBook (December 29, 2023) Language: English ISBN-10: 1837637547 ISBN-13: 978-1837637546 eBook Description: Data Science for Web3: A comprehensive guide to decoding blockchain data with data analysis basics and machine learning cases. Be part of the future of Web3, decoding blockchain data to build trust in the next-generation internet. Data is the new oil and Web3 is generating it at an unprecedented rate. Complete with practical examples, detailed explanations, and ideas for portfolio development, this comprehensive book serves as a step-by-step guide covering the industry best practices, tools, and resources needed to easily navigate the world...