Ultimate Robotics Programming with ROS 2 and Python

Ultimate Robotics Programming with ROS 2 and Python: Design, Develop, and Implement Intelligent Robotics Applications with Advanced Navigation, Simulation, and Computer Vision for Mobile and Industrial Robots

eBook Details:

  • Paperback: 484 pages
  • Publisher: WOW! eBook (December 30, 2024)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 934810795X
  • ISBN-13: 978-9348107954

eBook Description:

Ultimate Robotics Programming with ROS 2 and Python: Design, Develop, and Implement Intelligent Robotics Applications with Advanced Navigation, Simulation, and Computer Vision for Mobile and Industrial Robots

Robot Operating System (ROS) and Python are essential tools for developing advanced robotics applications, offering reliability and scalability for both research and industrial solutions. Ultimate Robotics Programming with ROS 2 and Python introduces readers to ROS 2 without requiring prior experience in robotics. It blends theoretical explanations with practical exercises, empowering readers to solve specific robotics problems while understanding the reasoning behind various approaches.

The Ultimate Robotics Programming with ROS 2 and Python book covers a broad spectrum of robotics topics, including mobile robots, industrial manipulators, and aerial robots. These systems are simulated using the modern Gazebo simulator and programmed with ROS 2’s out-of-the-box tools and custom solutions using the ROS 2 API. The book also delves into computer vision, generative AI, and machine learning, providing hands-on examples of real-world applications.

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